K12 EdTech innovator and curriculum developer with expertise in project management, tech tool adoption, instructional design, online learning, global education, and technical writing/editing
I am a Virtual Exchange and Materials Development Specialist at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the Office of English Language Programs on the Innovations Team. I've managed multiple large-scale global projects, including Critical Creativity in Action, Panels and Perspectives: Creating Comics in the EFL Classroom, Create to Communicate: Art Activities for the EFL Classroom, and the Trace Effects video game. For these projects, I’ve led teams of virtual consultants working on English Language materials and projects. I'm interested in design thinking and human-centered design, trans-media approaches to education, educational technology, comics for education, leadership, motivation, and management for success. I am an ISTE Certified Educator and on the boards of SXSWedu and K12Leaders. Before working at State, I was an English Language Fellow in Novi Sad, Serbia, through the State Department’s English Language Fellow Program, and was a high school ESOL teacher and community college ESL teacher. I am an independent artist and distance runner in my free time. I usually have multiple projects going, and I’ve recently gotten into 3D printing design. I am a maker at heart!
I recently earned an Innovative Leader Award from Tech & Learning in 2024 for Best Example of Virtual Learning. https://www.techlearning.com/news/connecting-teachers-globally-to-enhance-teaching-everywhere.
Project Management
Strategic Planning
Writing & Editing
Technical Writing
International Education
Instructional Design
Grants Management
Consultant Management
Recent Projects
A a creative educator, my daily studio practice involves using a mixed-media approach to art and design. I experiment with mediums, techniques, and styles and my artistic voice is ever-evolving. I incorporate my sense of color and creativity into my work as a project manager, technical writer, editor, and instructional designer.
In the Studio
Upcoming Speaking Events
SXSWedu 2025
March 3-6th, 2025
Bridging Borders: Global Potential via English Exchanges
In an interconnected world, effective English communication opens doors to opportunities. This session explores the power of global virtual exchanges for English learners and teachers. We’ll delve into innovative partnerships enabling these exchanges, breaking geographical barriers and fostering mutual understanding. Technology’s role in making these exchanges accessible and inclusive will be highlighted, democratizing access to new ideas. Join me to discover how we can empower learners and teachers through virtual exchanges and partnerships, bridging borders for a more inclusive world.
Mentor Session March 5 1:30-2:45pm
Talk to me about:
- Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Professional Development
- Curriculum Design
- EdTech Integration